The Ruins: a novel by Scott Smith
Where's the ending?, Sep 6 2006****
If you are planning to visit ruins in the vicinity of Cancun anytime in the near future, don't read this book. It'll "ruin" your plans if you are at all anxious. On the other hand, if you like an engrossing read and are turned off by James Patterson's 2-3 page chapters and lots of white space, then this might be just the book for you.
It's hard to say much about this novel without giving away the plot. Suffice it to say, it would be best called "The Vines" rather than "The Ruins" as vines are the central protaganist in the novel but what vines these are! No wine here, dear friends.
My chief beef (and hence the four stars) is that I found the ending unsatisfying. I was rooting for Jeff to prevail over great odds.But I did enjoy this novel immensely.
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